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Firewood - wood for fireplace

Date Added: September 09, 2023 03:20:59 PM
Author: tasos mitro
Category: Arts & Humanities: Shopping and Services

When the weather is cold, it is nice to enjoy the atmosphere created by the fire with the toys of its flames. Whether you are heating your house or lighting a fire in your yard to bake, make the most of the firewood you choose for burning. By drying and storing the wood properly, you will have wood that burns cleaner, produces less smoke and emits more heat more efficiently. Our company installs dry firewood in a bag for your small minimum needs but can also deliver firewood with the cubic if you want a large quantity.

To know how to distinguish dry wood, there are some dry wood markers that will help you control the quality of the firewood you receive.

See their color. Gray woods are the driest.

Check the bark. A sure sign that the firewood is dry is the bark that easily stands out from the rest of the wood.

Another example is the general appearance of the wood. As the wood dries, it will begin to split at the edges.

Touch the firewood. The fresh wood leaves the feeling of being wet.

The company guarantees that the firewood you will receive is 100% dry and easy to burn so that you and your family can enjoy the heat from a fire that will not create problems like those caused by wet or non-dried wood.

The compensation from the purchase of firewood from our company is easy lighting, nice fire, absolute heat, warm smiles. So would you rather buy firewood from anyone?

The producers and loggers we work with, are certified and tested by our company to provide you with firewood from our Greek forests, in the context of ecological awareness and sustainable development. Our experience and our existence in the field of timber for many years, is a guarantee for the product we sell.

We only supply dry wood to consumers. Dry wood of all kinds and for every need and requirement. Dry wood that has been cut properly so that it can be stored in your space easily but also to be placed in your fireplace or stove without creating problems. The company has its own fleet of trucks and responsibly supplies you with your order that has been chosen and chosen by our experts, employees in the field of firewood. Our company knows very well what it means to burn dry wood and this is what it seeks when it delivers its products to you, whether you order a small amount of firewood in a bag or firewood in a pallet or firewood with the cube!

This is achieved because we know how to create a secure workflow that will provide the final dry product. When the winter season comes to an end, we start storing the wood in the right way so that it can dry out and be juicy until the next winter when you place your order. Our firewood is completely protected from the rain, it breathes properly with the proper ventilation so that the drying can be done efficiently.

The difficult weather conditions do not affect or touch our firewood. They are protected and "mature" in a unique and innovative way so that they are completely dry.

So do not hesitate for your order and no doubt that the product we will deliver will be dry. Because the company only supplies dry and dry firewood. All you have to do is trust us!

In whatever packaging you want and in any way but also in whatever size you want the firewood, we are ready to serve you. In addition to the excellent quality of firewood, all our customers talk about their impeccable and fast service. This is exactly who we are! Quality and fast!

From our range of wood, you can choose the firewood that will keep you warm.

Our company has the ability to supply you directly: Excellent firewood for your energy fireplace.

Excellent firewood for your stove and your fireplace.

If you have a boiler that burns firewood, you will see its efficiency take off with our dry firewood.

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